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Human Offspring

Unlike our own offspring, who are born fully formed, Human offspring remain in the care of their parents for several Earth decades.

Identifying Immature Humans

The youngest humans (less than 10 human years)

These humans are not particularly useful to us, but can provide a valuable opportunity to initiate contact with the Human parent.


  • smaller than mature humans
  • usually found in the care of mature humans.

Do not confuse young humans with pets. Pets are Earth species that live with humans. Although humans sometimes treat pets like offspring, they become extremely agitated if you confuse the two.


The teenaged humans (10 to 20 years)

These are the most challenging humans you will encounter. It is best to keep contact to a minimum.


  • generally travel in groups
  • highly emotional (often laughing or crying)

In size, and physical maturity, teenagers are easily confused with adult Humans. Approach with caution.